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Pharma & Food Intermediates
The Pharma & Food Intermediates we offer are applicable for several applications. These are functional as the advanced chemical substances, which are demanded for several applications. These are the pharmaceutical constituents, suited to make drugs and food of different types.
Pesticides in Brand
Pesticides in Brand are the essentials, required for maintain the growth of plants and crops. These are functional as the highly effective chemical compounds which are needed to kill pests, rodents, fungi, insects, and unwanted plants (weeds).
Bio Fertilizers & PGR
Biofertilizers are useful as the sustainable as well as feasible attractive biotechnological alternatives. These are required to boost crop yield, stimulate plant growth, improve as well as restore soil fertility. They do not make any with chemical fertilization.
Pesticide Technical & Bulk Formulation
The Pesticide Technical & Bulk Formulation chemicals are the chemicals, utilized for the cultivation of crops and plants. These are required to make the flora and fauna healthy. These are functional as the pharmaceutical products attained by the process of chemical synthesis.

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